Saturday, 10 June 2017

Top 5 DEADLIEST Animal Of The Amazon Forest !

Amazon rain forest is considered to be one of the world's worst environment, because they are most deadly animals in Amazon. Friends, today i will tell you about Amazon's 5 Deadliest Animals.

5. Harpy Eagle

Its wings are up to 7.5 feet and the body length is up to 40 inches, it is the world's largest and most powerful raptor or bird of prey. Its name refers to harpies of Greek mythology. Monster as a bird with a human face, in total it is about 3 to 4 inches in length! It uses plants so that large numbers of sloths, monkeys, macaws, snakes and other large forest animals can be hunted. In fact, they will hunt and eat big things that run in the forests. The bigger eagle, the more they hunt, the more they hunt.

4. Poison Dart Frog

The poison dart frogs found in the Amazon rain forest are not only one of the poisonous animals in the world, but they are the most poisonous vertebrates. The poison called batrachotoxin is an extremely powerful, which affects both the heart and the nervous system. A adult frog can bring enough poison to kill 10 people well. They are called poison dart frogs (or sometimes poison arrow frogs) because the natives used to catch frogs and used them to coat their blowgun darts. Poison remained powerful for one year.

3. Black Caiman

Black caiman is a large carnivorous reptile related to the crocodile family. There are 6 different types of black caiman, however, black caiman rises between 13 to 20 feet in length. It makes one of the biggest crocodile species in the world! They generally look like American crocodiles, they are black But they are not only deep. More pointed snouts with long and sharp teeth. These long teeth are ideal for hold and hunting because they sink them under water. Black caiman usually swallows its food completely.

2. Jaguar

Jaguar is the biggest cat, not only in South America, but in the entire Western Hemisphere he The length of the jaguar is 4 to 6 feet, which is between 100 and 250 pounds. They are an adjacent and powerful big cat. The name "Jaguar" actually comes from the original American word "yaguar", which means "he who kills in a jump." This is a particularly perfect name, known for climbing trees for Jaguar hunting, often killed with a powerful bite, their jaws are so powerful.

1. Green Anaconda

Listening to the word "Anaconda", the first thing that comes to mind is a naive film of 90, but despite the films being fake, Green Anaconda is actually a deadly creature. Although the slow movement but on the ground is agile and dangerous in water. So it only makes sense that he makes his house in the swamps and streams of Amazon. The length between 20 to 30 feet and between 200 to 500 pounds, it is not surprising that green anaconda is not only the longest, but also the largest snake in the world.

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